Professor Layton PasswordsThe passwords are unique to each DS and neither the passwords shown below nor passwords from other people will work on your DS
Unlocking the Secret of the Elysian Box
Start the Diabolical Box

Select Top Secret in the Bonuses section

Select The Hidden Door

Make a note of the password shown in the top screen
(the password shown will not work on your DS)TipAny 0 in the password will be a zero (not the letter O)
Start the Curious Village on the same DS

Select Top Secret in the Bonuses section

Select The Hidden Door

Enter the password you made a note of from the Diabolical Box
(the password shown will not work on your DS)TipAny 0 in the password will be a zero (not the letter O)
Make a note of the new password shown in the top screen
(the password shown will not work on your DS)
Start the Diabolical Box

Select Top Secret in the Bonuses section

Select The Hidden Door

Select the Secret of the Elysian Box

Enter the password you made a note of from the Curious Village
(the password shown will not work on your DS)The Secret of the Elysian Box
A Curious Present

See the Step by Step Solution
Step by Step Solution
Slide a tile up

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile right and down

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile down and right

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile left and up

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile up and left

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile up

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile left

Slide a tile down

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile right

Slide a tile down

Professor Layton and Luke
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Walkthrough
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box Walkthrough