103 Disappearing Act 3

Walk down

Continue walking up then back down until Rory is thirsty

Talk to Rory
(Rory must be thirsty)

Serve Tea 03 Sugar Smoke to Rory

Talk to Rory again
(must have solved the Beluga's Search mystery)
(Rory must not be thirsty)

103 Disappearing Act 3

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3


See the Step by Step Solution

Surprise Box Hamster Toy (US)
Jack in a Box Hamster Toy (UK)

Step by Step Solution

Jump the middle ball in the third to left column down

Jump the middle ball in the third to right column down

Jump the leftmost ball right

Jump the rightmost ball left

Jump the bottom ball in the third to left column up

Jump the bottom ball in the third to right column up

Jump the top ball in the third to left column down

Jump the ball in the third to left column right

Jump the middle ball in the third to right column left

Jump the leftmost ball right

Jump the middle ball in the middle column down

Jump the bottom ball in the middle column right

Jump the bottom ball in the second to right column up

Jump the rightmost ball left

Jump the top ball down


3165 Picarats and 166 Hint Coins

091 Sharing the Wealth

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Walkthrough
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box Walkthrough