Walk right to leave the room
Walk down
As you can't quit Puzzle 015, this is a good place to Save
Pick up Tom's shoe from the floor
(must have talked to either Mitzi or Capone)
015 Who Is Tom Really? (US) / Tom's True Identity (UK)
Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
See the Step by Step Solution
Step by Step Solution
Move the top left picture piece left
Move the top left paw print piece left
Move the top right paw print piece left
Move the top right picture piece left
Move the bottom right picture piece right
Move the bottom right paw print piece right and up
Move the bottom right picture piece up
Move the bottom paw print piece right
Move the bottom picture piece right
Move the leftmost paw print piece down and right
Move the leftmost picture piece down and right
Move the top left paw print piece left and down
Move the top left picture piece left and down
Move the top paw print piece left
Move the top picture piece left three spaces
Move the rightmost paw print piece up
Move the rightmost picture piece up and left
Move the bottom paw print piece right
Move the bottom right picture piece right one space
Move the bottom left picture piece right
495 Picarats and 35 Hint Coins
021 Pass It On
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
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Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Walkthrough
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