006 Pancake Stacks 1 (US) / Piles of Pancakes 1 (UK)

Journal Entry
Dining Car Commotion

Just for Fun
Speak with Babette

Enter the door on the left at the back of the dining room

Apple Hamster Toy

Check out the bowl on the right of the top shelf at the back and
the front flap of the cardboard box on the floor for hint coins

Walk down to leave the kitchen

Enter the door on the right at the back of the dining room
(must have talked to Chester)
(must have visited the kitchen)

Examine the right of the middle strip beside the middle door
for a hint coin

Talk to Sally
(must not have returned to the dining room after talking to Beluga)

006 Pancake Stacks 1 (US) / Piles of Pancakes 1 (UK)

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3


See the Step by Step Solution

Step by Step Solution

Move a pancake from the left plate to the right plate

Move a pancake from the left plate to the middle plate

Move a pancake from the right plate to the middle plate

Move a pancake from the left plate to the right plate

Move a pancake from the middle plate to the left plate

Move a pancake from the middle plate to the right plate

Move a pancake from the left plate to the right plate


190 Picarats and 29 Hint Coins

007 Dining Couples (US) / Four Couples (UK)

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Walkthrough
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box Walkthrough